Thursday 24 May 2012


Ok, so I realise that I haven't done a "something old" post yet but I'll get there! So for "something new" there's been a few new recipes being tried around here lately. This is something that's always a little risky as I never seem to like any of the new recipes myself even if everyone else does....sigh! If only we could afford to eat out every night and I didn't have to cook!! Anyway, last night's new recipe was this Roasted Pumpkin and Feta Risotto, and since it required a little white wine in the recipe then you have to finish off the bottle once it's opened right?


  1. Well it looks delish! How did it taste?

  2. Really good at first but then I got a bit tired of it. I think that's just me and risottos though. I'm not necessarily a huge fan but it's just something different to make than the usual. The pumpkin was divine but I think I'd leave out the feta next time (too salty with the bacon as well) and maybe add mushrooms :)
