Tuesday 29 May 2012


I have been lucky enough to have travelled to many overseas places over the years: London, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, Nashville, LA and Hawaaii. During these travels we've collected some lovely souvenirs but I have to say that one of my favourites is actually the least prettiest of the lot.

This may look like very plain, boring old stones and in a way they are. Until you find out where they came from. These were the stones I collected and placed in my Ugandan made shoulder bag from the dried up river bed of the Zambezi River in Zambia, as our family of then 4, were lead on a guided trek. 

In telling this story I had to include a photo of the two gorgeous Zambian guides who carried my boys (aged 3 and 5 years) on their shoulders for the two or so hours trek. In what was an almost 40 degree day in Africa this was no mean feat. They were awesome and gave us the best time.....especially since the trek ended with this amazing experience for Paul and 5 year old Owen.....

(Devil's Pool, Livingstone Island, Victoria Falls, Zambia, 2006)

1 comment:

  1. what great memories, i am glad i am not the only one that picks up rocks and strange things from my travels! i have a collection of rocks from the top of a volcano we visited in greece :)
